Friday, February 24, 2006

Let The Insanity Begin: Circus School Day One Monday

I know I've been slow to post about my first week at school but it's been a very busy week and I've just been too tired to do it. I've somehow found the energy to be your entertainer. Enjoy!

So first thing's first, I had to have my first day of school pic and here ya go!

I made it to school bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 9:00am seeing all of the new faces and just wondering what this year will bring. Of course, the first thing we did was Icebreakers. I understand that it's a necessary evil but it still makes me feel like I'm back in 4th grade going to a 4H meeting or something. The excitment really came when we played a game of tag that required us to pretend we were bleeding profusely from the place where we were tagged. As I was running away, I tripped over a step but continued to keep running. My gymnastics background has served me well I guess. Unfortunately after the game was over I noticed that I was actually bleeding from this pretend bleeding game. 3 minutes into school and I'm already injured. Isn't that just great.

Fun, right?

Anyway, moving on. The rest of the day was filled with meeting new people. Most of the students hail from Australia but there are students from New Zealand (Of Course), the US, Canada, and Norway. I also have to say that there are so many names in our class that I have never heard before, for instance, Idris, Rowen, Lozz, Bones, Nele, Jola, and of course Tank. In the afternoon we talked about what was to be expected of us throughout the semester and then finished up by visiting the Health Center, and Learning Services. I'll try to eventually get pics of everyone in my class so that all of you can get a visual with the name.


Anonymous said...

Feet are gross. Bloody, filleted feet are disgusting. But the picture of you is fun. More pictures of Will, please! I miss you a bunch.

Sarah said...

I agree the feet were gross, but we enjoyed seeing you looking so excited!

Anonymous said...

too gross...but very believable. too much excitement, eh? your picture is so cute! you sucha spaz!

Anonymous said...

Hi Will! I think I tried leaving you a comment once before but managed to flub it up - it's Sarah Lankenau from ZACH. Miss you oodles but LOVE the blog because you are funny in print too! Guess which entry I got the most excited about - yes, that would be the one with pictures of sheep - I'm still trying to figure out how you can send me one back to Austin to I can grow my own fleece and then I remember, they have sheep here to! It's already hot here. Take care.