Friday, February 03, 2006

Friday Night in the City

So Friday night was Karen's last night in the house. Karen is the Kiwi roommate. She is actually going to Michigan to be a nanny for a year or so. I guess since they felt bad about leaving me out before they decided to let me tag along on this trip. I'm glad they did. I had so much fun.

Here's Cherie, the English roommate, with her cat Sav (short for Savage, whatever) before we left for the evening.

Cherie and I met up with Karen at a restaurant and bar called Ferment. It's on "The Strip," a little string of restaurants and bars right on the Avon River. Here are the roomies.

After Ferment we went to a club, or a disco as they call them here, called Shooters. Pretty appropriate name as we did do a shot. Cherie suggested a sambuca shot. I said sure and then found out it was liquorice flavor. ICK!!! Oh well, all in the name of a going away party.

Here are our confessions on the dance floor.

We left about 3am. Whew, that was a lot of dancing!

Dance On!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be a monkeys uncle! I was going to move to Michigan to be a nanny for a year or so, too. WEIRD. Maybe I'll get in touch with Karen and we can discuss our love of all-things-children and possibly go and see the new movie NANNY MCPHEE.