Friday, May 12, 2006

Tracking Numbers!

Hey Everybody, the words of the day are TRACKING NUMBERS!!!! I don't know if any of you are thinking about sending me a package, but if you are, get a freakin' tracking number. I have three packages just bumbling about the Pacific Rim with no way of me ever knowing if they're stuck in customs or lost by the admiral NZ Post. Why? because I have no tracking numbers. Sorry, I'm ranting but one of those packages is my hard drive and without it I can't further my blogging career.

Just look at how distraught I am!

With that I say adieu.


Anonymous said...

WOA WOA WOA, someone is getting a little uppity way down under in the Pacific Rim.

Track THIS,

CHRIS, #282873-290276-HJY568

Anonymous said...

Hey willy!!!!!!

i tried to send you an email but it bounced.... Can you get my email from Bones and drop me a line so i can write to you!!!!! Miss you heaps Pal..... Amber xox

Anonymous said...

you traumatize me. you call when i can't answer and i call when you can't answer. this totally sucks some balls... and not in the good way.
i miss your voice! thank you for the message and Ireland was amazing! My eyes were a'glitter the entire time. Cody got a kick outta it. He loved it as much as I did, I think. Cindy enjoyed it - but it held weird sorts of magic for Cody and I. Between him and I we took somethink like 500 photos. You need to call me pronto!