Saturday, April 29, 2006

And He's Back....For A Bit

Ok I know all of you have been waiting my return to the blogging game. The truth is that my computer has ran out of memory and I can't upload any pictures. I've been waiting for an external hard drive to come in the mail but the Pacific and probably customs are keeping it from getting to me anytime soon. For the time being, I've outsmarted the computer and had pictures developed onto cd so I don't even have to bother with putting them on my computer's hard drive.

These pics are from Kristina's gig at a local bar and restaurant called The Dux de Lux. Kristina has actually been singing and busking for the past five years. So it was great to see her get up there and do what comes natural. It was a great night. If anyone knows how to post audio on blogger I can put one of her songs up for everyone to have a little listen.

Presenting Kristina Dzelmanis!!

Diana and Me Enjoying The Tunes

Bones and Amber

Bones and Amber Rocking Out

Janelle (or Jemella as we prefer to call her) and Me

The Whole Gang

Godfrey (My Program Director) Brett, Dawn, Ollie, and an Unexpected Angel

Me with the Artist Herself!!

Hopefully, I'll have another blog very soon. Have a Great Day Everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

If I ran the circus, it would be within a 50 mile radius of wherever I was at all times -- not only for sheer convenience but for the 'round the clock entertainment factor as well.

Anonymous said...

Hoorah! No more baby. Just good old-fashioned adult fun! Welcome back, Will.

Anonymous said...

yo yo willlllllllyyyyyyyyy ZZZZZZZZZZ.........

have more than fun at the cirkissssss matey mate wow wow wow.......gonna miss you like a crazy flea on the flying trapezoid..... see you on our big brown land of oz my crazy pal.... ambz

Anonymous said...

For posting audio on your blog there is:

When you upload the mp3 it will give you the code to embed their player on your page. Just click the edit html tab when you make a new post, and past the code there.

I just tryed it ( ) - I don't know how long the audio stays on their system though, I never found out in their faq's...

Happy posting. By the way I randomly found this post - Aint the internt wonderful... Chears :)