Wednesday, December 21, 2005

In Preparation

How do you prepare when moving across the world to a country you've never been to and to study something in all actuality you really don't have a ton of experience in. (I guess that's why I'm studying it right? Right!) But truly I don't know how to prepare for this exciting adventure in my life, and so, here I am in my feeble attempt to remain present in the lives of all the people I've encountered in my safe little bubble of Texas and the USA.

I promise an honest attempt at being consistent in my posting because, afterall, if I don't post you might just forget me! I'm not quite that neurotic about it but I do want to keep everyone up-to-date in the going-ons of my life in New Zealand. Hopefully, this will also serve as a little journal for me so I won't forget all of the great experiences I've had.

Well, I hope you all enjoy the blog and if you have any comments or requests please let me know!

Ciao for now,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Will! I love your page. I hope you're having a wonderful time. I'll be checking in on your page now and then. Keep in touch.
Miss ya,
Heather G.
or visit me at myspace