Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Marathon = 26.2 miles / 42.195 Kms

In high school, while sitting in my Latin class hearing about ancient Rome and Greece, my mind would tend to wander. In particular, hearing about Pheidippides and his historic run from the Battle of Marathon to Athens to announce the defeat of the Persians. This story paired with the fact I was already getting up at 5:45am every morning to run in the dark, cold Panhandle mornings for cross country fueled the mental fire of me hoping to run a marathon one day.

Not to mention, also in high school, I took a trip to Greece and actually ran in an ancient stadium in Delphi and in the first modern Olympic stadium in Greece. (I have pictures of both. Just you wait.) All this history only added to the fire of my personal goal to run a marathon at least once in my life.

Cut to 3 months ago. I signed up to run a marathon. Part whim and part strategy, I believe this is the first time I've been in a place long enough and in a situation that I could do regular training. Also, The APLA training program offered an amazing camaraderie that would make the endeavor that much easier.

So yes, I am doing this and raising money at the same time. If you're feeling generous and this personal endeavor to not only enrich my life but to also help others has inspired you to donate to my marathon, you can donate by clicking HERE.

Like I said, this was 3 months ago and this past weekend I ran 12 miles. This is longest I've ever gone on a single run. While running, I was fun. Unfortunately, I had to cover a shift for a co-worker and, as a result, had to go straight from my run home to shower and then off to the store.

Standing on cement for another 5 hours was not fun. My little legs were shaking and I was taking absolutely every excuse to sit down. I'm not sure my legs have ever been so tired.

When I woke up on Sunday my legs were a bit sore and by Monday I was completely fine.

I am almost halfway to a full marathon and my body is holding up well. This is the first time that I truly see the long held goal actually turning into a reality. It feels really good and I'm so excited for March and to run the entire route and see that finish line. I can't wait.

Marathon, you are mine!